i mentor, i think, i make, i write
professor of ece, cs and the whitaker institute,
faculty member and co-founder of clsp,
at johns hopkins university.
honorary professor at university of cyprus
and universidad nacional del sur.
my curriculum vitae.
my group
sensory communication and microsystems.
andreou, pouliquen, mendat,
sengupta, tomlinson, linares,
my life
born in nicosia, cyprus.
live in baltimore.
seo, ... andreou, mittal. a method for the computational modeling of the physics of heart murmurs
murray, mendat, ... andreou. bio-inspired human action recognition with a micro-doppler sonar System
hagerman, delasantina, ... andreou. a CMOS neural interface, for a multichannel vestibular prosthesis
cassidy, andreou. beyond Amdahl's law: an objective function that links multiprocessor performance gains to delay and energy
cassidy, georgiou, andreou. Design of silicon brains in the nano-CMOS era: Spiking neurons,learning synapses and neural architecture optimization
andreou. johns hopkins on the chip: microsystems and cognitive machines for sustainable, affordable, personalised medicine
and healthcare
Oct 2018, 3rd best paper award IEEE BioCAS2018 conference
johns hopkins university
3400 north charles street
baltimore md 21218 usa
andreou @t jhu.edu
phone: +1 (410) 516-4237 linkedin @andreas_andreou